Wednesday 5 March 2014

Your one stop solution

People sometimes ask what it is that sets C3 Creative apart from other design companies. It's a tough one to answer. There are loads of really great graphic designers out there producing truly cutting edge work who I admire greatly. Similarly there are print companies who invest millions in the latest technology to produce the crispest, brightest print around. I don't own a printing press at all, but I am pleased to say that many of my printers are among the best in the country at what they do, so I know I can offer truly stunning print at affordable prices. That's down to buying power and having my clients' best interests at heart. So I suppose part of the appeal of working with C3 is knowing that the creativity and practicalities of print are joined seamlessly in the middle so that my clients feel happy to let me take care of both ends of their project. Cliches like one stop solution are easy to bandy around, but they have to mean something. It's no good if there are holes in the process.

So I like to think clients come to me because I can help plug those gaps some companies can't or don't fill so well. For instance, I enjoy the power of words, and find some clients struggle to convey their message in a way that connects with their market so I will try and find a better way to phrase their words. I learned my graphic design skills the old fashioned way in a repro studio long before Macs were the tool of designers and darkrooms and bromides were the way we got things done, so I understand the printing process from both sides. All these are extra strings to a fairly large bow, but it still doesn't really address why my customers stick with C3, or recommend us. I'm sure it's a combination of many things, but I hope somewhere near the top, comes trust. Trust to deliver. Trust to be honest and say when something isn't working. Trust to go that extra yard to help when backs are against the wall. Trust to stick to budget and not heap on added charges. Trust to make the whole design and print process enjoyable, or dare I even say, fun.

I hope that's what sets C3 apart. If it is, I'm happy with that and I hope you are too.